If you are one of those ladies that likes to hole up at home every second and ‘Netflix and chill’ with her cat or dog and are still single, you have to know what you are doing wrong. A lot of women are ready to find the right guy and get married today and if they had the option of having him jump out of their TV screens, they would be all for it. I mean, who wouldn’t? Life is however not a page out of a Harlequin novel and so no matter how you try to convince yourself that ‘novels are based on reality’ and the rest of such nonsense you chant repeatedly in your mind, it is not going to happen. The dispatch rider that drops off your Jumia package is not going to look into your black eyes and realise that he is in love with you the second he sees you, the Mallam two blocks down isn’t going to give you a free carton of milk and then walk you home, sexual tension oozing from you both, and the Estate security guard is definitely not going to come and help install something or other at your home and then take you on the counter. None of these things is likely to happen and this automatically means that if you plan to find a man before you turn 60, you are going to have to stop with your ‘I don’t like to go out’ attitude and start making new friends. When you finally realise that the inner confines of your home is not the place to meet your man and decide that you are ready to get off your behind and seek him out, these are a few tips that will help you snag the right guy. – Know what you want: Every woman consciously or otherwise know exactly what she is looking for in a man. Now while you must bear in mind that it is impossible for any one man to ‘tick all your boxes’, you can roughly prioritise what you think your man should have and then when you meet him, see if he checks off those boxes. – The Right Spots: There are a lot of places you can go to find a man but what you need to remember is that not all these places will have the type of man that you seek. Narrow down your interest and favourite places to go (for your own reasons) and then try to go to those places. Chances are you will find someone that has some things in common with you. If you are looking for the best spots to find a ‘correct’ guy in Lagos however, please visit here. – Have options: A lot of the time, we women can have a string of guys interested in us and already narrow our minds to who we feel is the ‘best option’. Studies have shown that a lot of the time, women select based on ‘attraction’ and end up giving the guy who may be the least ready to settle down the most attention. Don’t curve one option for another until you have to. Take your time with each one- talk on the phone, go on dates and don’t feel pressured to pick ‘a one‘ until you are sure he is ‘the one’. – Bring something to the table: You need to remember when you are making your long list of what your Mr Right should have, that you need to have some qualities as well. Contrary to what you might think, no good relationship can work where the man constantly gives and the woman does nothing in return. You are required to give something other than the lame excuse of; ‘i gave him my heart’. That just will not do. – GO OUT MORE: I implied it earlier but in case you missed it or ignored it. Get up and go out. These should help you find your man. Good luck!
Read more at: www.poiseluks.blogspot.com
Source: Kamdora
Read more at: www.poiseluks.blogspot.com
Source: Kamdora